• Drivers & Manuals

    Download the latest drivers and manuals for your Gaomon tablet and ensure optimal performance and functionality.

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  • Firmware

    Upgrade the firmware of your tablet to unlock the latest features and enhancements.

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  • FAQs

    Discover the answers to all FAQs with our comprehensive resource guide.

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  • Process a Warranty

    Discover the power of GAOMON devices, backed by a limited 1-year warranty.

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  • Shipping Info

    Experience hassle-free shipping with our reliable and efficient policies.

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  • Refund & Return

    Take advantage of our generous 30-day return and refund policy for all purchases.

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  • Track My Order

    Stay updated on the status of your order with our convenient track my order page.

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Our warehouses are strategically located in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Hong Kong. This ensures that most products will be shipped from a local warehouse, providing a faster and more efficient delivery experience. However, for certain accessories, we may ship them from our Hong Kong warehouse.

Orders are shipped within two (2) business days of payment. Orders made during promotional periods and special events may have longer shipping times, at the discretion of GAOMON. In such cases, customers will be separately informed in advance.

We offer free shipping on all orders of $100 or more, except for special promotions.Additional charges will be necessary for shipping addresses in remote locations.

If the wrong billing or shipping address is used for the order, please contact the store's online customer service with a screenshot of the order or send an email to service@gaomon.net

Purchase on store.gaomon.net comes with twelve (12) months limited warranty, starting from the date of delivery.Unless otherwise specified, this warranty covers the hardware components of the product as originally supplied and does not cover, or partially cover software, consumable items, or accessories even if packaged or sold together with the Product.

GAOMON graphics tablets and accessories are made to the highest standards and undergo rigorous testing. If you are unsatisfied with your GAOMON product for any reason, you may request a return within seven (7) calendar days of delivery (or 30 days from the date of purchase). Once we have approved your request, we receive your product, and such a product passes inspection, we will give you a refund in accordance with the price you paid for the product, but we are not able to refund any shipping fees paid.

For additional details regarding our affiliate program, please check out our Affiliate Program Page.

If you work in education and require bulk orders of our products, please check out Education Discount Program and Bulk Order Program or contact service@gaomon.net

Contact Us

For any questions you may still have, please don't hesitate to contact us via Live-chat or by emailing service@gaomon.net.